Innovative monitoring


Rapid on-site detection of Human-specific Bacteroides and E. coli in water for more efficient remediation of sewer spills

What do we do 

The only effective solution for assessing risk to stormwater assets in Australia

No need to take samples back to the laboratory. Conduct rapid eDNA assays on-site 


Pollution Assessment

Specialists in chemicals of concern identification and profiling and pollution management

Integrated and customised real-time monitoring solutions for any situation, ensuring better decision making

Analytics and Intelligence

 Custom and intuitive interactive data reports and dashboards to help you transform your data

Over 30 years experience in the design and analysis of environmental monitoring programs

The Management Team

Founder and Director
David Sharley is one of the founding directors at Bio2Lab. He has more than 20 years’ experience as an environmental…
Founder and Director
Stephen specialises in real-time environmental monitoring systems and data analytics
Real-time water quality sensor system


PFAS in the environment

Aquatic ecosystems are often contaminated with PFAS due to the high solubility of these substances. PFAS can quickly move from…

Bringing augmented reality to environmental education

Building Augmented Reality (AR) into education programs will impact how we teach our kids. Incorporating AR will change many aspects…

Water quality impacts and recovery monitoring following bushfires

Water quality following bushfires can be severely impacted. Reduced water quality can alter the dynamics of stream ecosystems in many…

The importance of Integrated Environmental Monitoring (IEM)

Integrated monitoring is an ongoing and systematic process to analyse, assess and interpret environmental quality. Integrated monitoring measures the physical, chemical and biological effects of environmental stressors on ecological and human health. It is critical that programs provide data sharing integrations that enhance the exchange of ideas and information to provide solutions to priority issues. Adaptive management incorporates monitoring as a requirement to continually adjust outcomes and objectives, all of which are driven by the incoming data. It is a structured, iterative process of optimal decision making in the face of uncertainty, which aims to reduce uncertainty over time. At Bio2Lab, we understand the importance of incorporating adaptive management into on-going strategic investigations. Monitoring can tell us if we are on track. The primary benefit of integrated monitoring is to check that policy statement, plan, or investigation has resulted in the environmental outcome expected. It provides information to understand the current state of the environment and assess whether things are getting better or worse.

               Monitoring can provide many benefits such as:

                                      Early warning of issues or problems before they become serious.

                                      Can prompt adjustments if current approaches are not working

                                      Provides a better understanding of the key pressures on the environment

                                      Increase policy effectiveness

                                      Contribute to feedback loops and systems

                                      Better formulation of policies

                                      Increased accountability