Delivering powerful point of application pathogen testing and eDNA monitoring solutions across Australia

Molecular detection and diagnostics at the point of application
What if you could detect animals, pests, pathogens, bacteria or viruses based solely on their DNA. A revolution in ecology and biosecurity is here, and it’s set to change how pathogens, pests and rare and invasive species are monitored. With the ZiP-P2 water and environmental test system, you can can now undertake fast, cost-effective and accurate on-site surveillance of any target species. Start your portable and rapid eDNA assays trial today.
Whether it s an early warning system for a dangerous pest or pathogen you need, or would just like to know if a rare species is there or not, with the ZiP-P2 water and environmental test system you can now take the laboratory to the field and undertake portable, rapid and cost-effective testing at the point of application. No need to collect and transport samples back to the laboratory anymore. With results in 10-20 minutes, you can now get on with doing what's important - your job.

Environmental DNA

Rare and threatened species detection
All living organisms, regardless of their size are constantly releasing trace amounts of DNA into their environment. DNA from skin cells, eggs, hair, or even waste products are released, and once in the environment, can persist for varying lengths of time, depending on biotic or abiotic factors. Water, soil or plant material can be collected and analysed for eDNA. Even in low concentrations, eDNA analysis can be a reliable tool for species detection, making it especially useful at detecting threatened or rare species.
Managing sewer spills using Bacteroides sp.
Discharges to the environment must be managed carefully to prevent adverse effects on receiving environments, as failure to do so could lead to significant legal and reputational consequences. For instance, when sewer spills occur, cleanup operations can be time and labor-intensive, resulting in substantial organisational costs. The ZiP-P2 Water and Environmental test system provides site crews with rapid, accurate data, enabling them to quickly assess the extent of the spill and tailor the duration of cleanup operations accordingly. Faster decision-making yields significant time and cost savings, as well as better environmental outcomes.