Environmental monitoring
Data analytics
Environmental education
Status of current projects
Deploying real-time water quality sensors into the Campaspe River to monitor river condition
Detecting pollution events in industrial areas using real-time pollution sensors
Deploying real-time water quality sensors to characterise the condition of Dandenong Creek
Using portable eDNA technology to detect septic overflows
Assessing PFAS levels in a peri-urban creek in Melbourne\'s north
Environmental education and awareness in Melbourne's West
EPA Victoria - Research and Development program -testing novel pollution sensors
Investigating cyanobacteria levels in urban waterbodies
Investigating nutrient levels in sediment from an urban waterbody - sediment/water nutrient flux
Long-term turbidity monitoring in Merri Creek
Deployment of LORA sensors into urban waterbodies
Investigating the impact of stormwater on litter pollution
Completed Projects
Pollution profiling of stormwater to inform Water Sensitive Urban Design
Designing real-time monitoring devices for urban waterways - Whittlesea Council
Mornington Peninsula Shire Industrial stormwater monitoring and training project
Pollution profiling of stormwater to inform Water Sensitive Urban Design
Tracking food waste through the stormwater networks using novel indicators
Raingarden performance assessment to inform water harvesting decision making
Passive sampling to locate pollution sources in a northern Melbourne industrial hub
Assessing herbicide contamination in soil in an urban area
Assessing sediment and water quality in an urban pond to inform WSUD retrofit